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Draft standards, draft amendments, and endorsements are available for public review and comment before they are approved by the committee. The comment period is normally 60 days from the date posted. Please return your comments as quickly as possible, so that we can pass them on to the appropriate committee for review.


Most Popular Drafts


CSA A283

Qualification code for concrete testing laboratories (New Edition)

Close date: Jul 28, 2024


Design and installation of ground source heat pump systems for residential and other small buildings (New Edition)

Close date: Aug 6, 2024

CSA/ANSI R124/BNQ 1789-200

A Harmonized Methodology for Reporting the Production Pathway and Carbon Intensity of Hydrogen (New Standard)

Close date: Jul 30, 2024


C22.1, Amendment - Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, Subject No. 4933 - Revised definition of “bonding” (Amendment)

Close date: Sep 2, 2024