Draft Details
1.1 General
This Standard provides a set of hydraulic testing specifications and performance metrics for temporary emergency flood protection barriers in Canadian environments and intends to:
a) define standard terminology to be used when describing floods and flood protection barriers;
b) detail a set of hydraulic testing requirements for flood protection barriers(see exclusions in Clause 1.2);
c) outline different environments for flood protection barrier use (environmental categories) and discuss the testing and performance requirements for these environments; and
d) provide technology developers and testing laboratories with a defined set of hydraulic testing conditions required for flood barrier deployment in Canadian environments.
1.2 Assumptions and exclusions
This Standard is not intended to apply to anything outside of the hydraulic testing of temporarily deployed emergency flood protection barrier systems. The Standard is not intended to apply to initial planning, new development, new expansions and construction, or site closure/remediation. This Standard is also not intended to apply to stormwater (only) systems which is provided for in CSA W211:21 Management standard for stormwater systems. Out-of-scope items are noted for awareness only, but organizations may choose to include those aspects to fit their scope needs. These out-of-scope items are not limited to:
a) any types of testing of the flood protection barrier outside of hydraulic testing (strength of materials, UV, foundation design, etc.);
b) any type of permanently affixed or installed flood protection barrier (walls, sea walls, dykes, etc.);
c) any type of flood protection barriers for structural openings (doors, windows, etc.);
d) any testing of the barrier individual components (connection clamps, anchor bolts, materials testing, etc.);
e) any specifications around or testing of auxiliary equipment that supports flood protection barrier deployment (flood abatement pumps, backwater valves, etc.); and
f) any specifications around the manufacturing process of the flood protection barriers.
1.3 Application
This Standard applies to the hydraulic testing requirements of temporary emergency flood protection barriers. This Standard draws elements from, but is not limited to:
a) ANSI/FM 2510 - American National Standard for Flood Mitigation Equipment; and
b) BSI Standards Publication Parts 1 and 2.
1.4 Terminology
In this Standard, “shall” is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; “should” is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and “may” is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard.
1.5 Units of measure
The units of measure used in this Standard are provided in SI (metric) and Imperial units where appropriate (Annex A.1).
Dimensional lumber discussions within the document have been listed in imperial measurements as the products are commonly referred to by their trade name in imperial measurements within Canada.
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