Draft Details
1.1 General
This Standard specifies requirements for polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) tubing systems that comprise tubing, with or without a barrier layer, and fittings.
Tubing covered by this Standard is made in SDR 9.
Systems are pressure rated at two temperatures: 1105 kPa at 23 °C and 690 kPa at 82 °C. Systems are intended for use in potable water distribution systems or other applications, including municipal water service lines, building supply lines, reclaimed water distribution, radiant panel heating and cooling systems, hydronic baseboard heating systems, snow and ice melting heating systems, building services piping, compressed air distribution, and ground source geothermal systems, provided that the PE-RT tubing systems covered in this Standard comply with the applicable code requirements. Residential and commercial systems are included.
Note: The requirements and test methods specified in this Standard can involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all potential safety problems associated with its use. Before using this Standard, users are responsible for establishing appropriate health and safety practices and determining the applicability of any regulatory limitations.
1.2 Requirements
This Standard specifies requirements for
quality of work;
metal components of mechanical fittings;
interior liners;
hydrostatic capability;
marking for tubing and fittings; and
marking for flexible pre-insulated tubing.
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