Draft Details

Designation:CSA TS-802
Contact name:Umer Khan
Review start date:Apr 1, 2024
Review end date:May 1, 2024
Contact email:thuy.ton(at)csagroup.org
Draft Scope/Description:

0.1 Inclusions

This Document aims to help promote the safe and consistent deployment and the reliable operation of EV charging infrastructure, and to help ensure the EV charging infrastructure in Canada is accessible, convenient, and seamless for all users. The Document will address issues regarding installation guidance, interoperability, reliability and performance, charging infrastructure distribution, and accessibility.

This Document focuses on public or private charging of light-duty battery electric vehicles.

The elements of this Document include but are not limited to

charging infrastructure distribution — the methodical and equitable distribution of charging stations in public places, multi-unit residential buildings, and workplaces;

site layout and accessibility — design guidelines for charging stations, site permit requirements, and specific needs of persons with disabilities;

installation guidance — guidance in line with CE Code installation requirements for safe installations of infrastructure and relevant product safety standards.

interoperability — the compatibility of charging networks with relevant standards and multiple payment methods; and

reliability and performance — metrics for reliability, performance, reporting, and uptime.

0.2 Terminology

This Document contains no requirements. In this Document, “should” is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required, and “may” is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Document.

0.3 Units of measure

The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Document. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

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